

About Nishi Giefer

Always a reader, particularly of westerns and mysteries, veterinarian Nishi Giefer's characters blend both genres in her stories of the American High Plains. Giefer has led the unique life of a farmer and rancher, coping with inclement weather, financial hardships, and mechanical break-downs while learning the finer points of self-sufficiency when the nearest store is miles distant. She has traveled with a wheat harvest crew, shod horses, poured yards of concrete, built miles of fence, cooked for a family of six plus visitors and hired hands, spent days in the saddle or on a tractor, and has been bitten by a rattlesnake.

Her family's annual ranch production sale features Red Angus cattle. They also raise Quarter Horses and English shepherd dogs. She and her husband are raising four "ranch hands" who learned the traditional three R's (reading, writing, and arithmetic) at home and the other three R's in the corral: riding, roping, and wrangling.

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Nishi Giefer - High Plains Fiction

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